tfno. 670 249561 / 687 943199

Montes de Andalucía

«Grupo Naranjo Alimentación, is a group of companies where quality and service is the best prestige. This is the commitment with its customers.

The following companies belong to this group:

Group Companies

Embutidos Naranjo. Family business whose wisdom and experience in the preparation of fresh homemade, natural and artisanal products has been its maxim, being the 1st company in La Mancha to produce fresh products without gluten and without lactose.

El Abuelo Justi, where precooked dishes, cheeses, hams are sold …

Montes de Andalucía, where under this brand AOVE premium is commercialized.

AOVE Montes de Andalucía.

Our main objective is to bring to the consumer, a unique and quality product, knowing the importance of having a good diet.

The commitment of this group is to continue working evolving to give the best in each product


Montes de andalucía


670 249 561


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