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Did you know about the great benefits of EVOO?


Extra Virgin Olive Oil is a rich source of vitamins A, D, E and K, which help absorb calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and zinc, essential components for the proper functioning of the body, especially in childhood and old age. The daily consumption of 25 grams of Olive Oil provides 50% of the amount of vitamin E, recommended for a man, and 62.5% for a woman.
Oleocanthal (anti-inflammatory compound) is an antioxidant compound that is present in Olive Oil. This, destroys cancer cells, respecting healthy cells.

Benefits of Extra Virgin Olive Oil.

The EVOO, is associated with a healthy diet, and we would like to list, briefly, its main benefits:

  • Due to its high content of oleic acid, polyphenols and vitamins, it protects brain cells and helps prevent neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s, since it prevents the oxidation and attack of free radicals in the body.
  • It is a perfect natural cosmetic (besides cheap), since its high content of vitamin is ideal to treat the problems of lack of hydration, being a good cellular regenerator.
  • Mitigates joint and rheumatic pain, thanks to its polyphenol content.
  • Olive oil reduces blood cholesterol levels, LDL, which decreases the risk of cardiovascular disease and improves the control of blood pressure to reduce hypertension.
  • Oleic Acid also improves and protects the immune system, which is an ally of clinical nutrition for immunocompromised people.
  • Protects against the development of cardiovascular diseases, thanks to its anti-inflammatory and antithrombogenic action.
  • Protects against the development of cardiovascular diseases, thanks to its anti-inflammatory and antithrombogenic action.
  • Protects against the development of cardiovascular diseases, thanks to its anti-inflammatory and antithrombogenic action.
  • It slows down macular degeneration.
  • It helps fight against cell aging.
  • Reduces the risk of suffering from depression.
  • Its helps improve digestion by estimulating the galdbladder.
  • Exerts a protective role against conditions such as gastritis or ulcers.
  • It favors intestinal transit fighting constipation.



As you can see, there are many benefits of the consumption of Olive Oil. For this, we must follow our Mediterranean Diet and use a good extra virgin olive oil as the main fat of this.
The recommended daily intake of olive oil is 3 to 6 tablespoons per day. How much do you consume on a daily basis? Is it a fundamental product in your diet?

Font: Jose Mataix Verdú, Catedrático de Fisología de la Universidad de Granada (España)

               Universidad de Rutgers

               Confederacion Española de Asociaciones de Familiares de Personas con Alzheimer y otras Demencias (CEAFA)

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